Monday, November 8, 2010

Word & Image: Brian Fies

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   Brian Fies expressed this concept very thoroughly through out his presentation. He mentions that he chose to express his feelings in comic form rather then writing a book because it would have a better connection and he would be able to visually show things more clearly. Word and image are strong as they are separately but together they are a power of true understanding. Brian Fies gets this concept in transcribing it through his works. Both of his works are prime examples of the concept of word and image. Comics that he creates share his experiences through the form of work and image.
   The words in his work help us get a better literal understanding in what he is trying to explain and share with us. The Images that he chooses to combine with the words shows us how it would seem if we were to look at it. A good example of this would be when he was explaining how he got the idea of making the comic moms cancer. He was sitting in the room and sketched his mom in the hospital bed, and labels the objects around her. This combines word and image, the word being the list of objects around her to show us what is being used, and the image is the depiction of how he saw his mom laying in that bed.